Can I Catch It? Talking to Kids About Cancer vs. Germs

One of the common questions kids ask about cancer is: Can I catch it?

Kids are curious and imaginative. Giving them concrete facts helps put their mind at rest.

How can you talk to kids about cancer and germs in a world where contagious disease is more top of mind than ever?

The kid-friendly term "germs" refers to the microscopic bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa that can cause illness and disease. Germs are a topic kids are even more familiar with because of COVID-19 and with other illnesses like the flu and RSV spreading widely. Kids should know that cancer isn’t a germ.

Here are a few things to discuss with your kids about your cancer:

  • Assure your kids that cancer is NOT a germ. Let kids know that it's okay to hug, kiss, and be close to each other when a parent has cancer. This is different than COVID-19, RSV, the flu, and other illnesses they may be familiar with. Cancer can’t be spread and it isn't contagious.

  • Having cancer does mean that it is important to take steps to avoid germs. This can be confusing to kids if we don't explain the situation. Let them know that the medicines used to treat cancer can make the person more sensitive to common germs.

    • There are steps kids and parents can take to avoid germs like washing your hands, avoiding sick people, and wearing masks.

Given the spread of RSV, the flu, and COVID within our school systems and beyond, now is a great time to have or revisit this conversation to help set their minds at ease!

Take advantage of more support and resources designed by experts for families like yours. Check out our schedule for upcoming webinars by to support parents navigating cancer led by our expert team. You can also order your free Pickles Family Cancer Support Kit, and enroll your kids in our peer-to-peer programs for kids affected by their parent’s cancer.


How to Connect with Your Kids When You Have Cancer


How School Can Be Your Family’s Ally When a Parent Has Cancer